Aesthetic Medicine


Wart Removal

Warts are lesions that appear as neoformations (new formations) on the skin that can affect anyone, both children and adults.

They are produced by virus infection and have low transmissibility. However, they are transmissible within the body by the use of objects or by simply hand touching (autoinoculation), also the deterioration of the immune system favors its extension and persistence. They are seen more in children, overweight and elderly persons.

There are also genital warts, but these are simply of sexual transmission.

Types of Warts

There are 5 types of warts:

  • Vulgar. They are the most frequent. They predominate in children. Vulgar warts are isolated or multiple warty abnormal formations, with an irregular and sinuous surface, dry, of the same color of the skin or darker, hemispherical with a fine dark dotting. They predominate in the upper limbs, although it can affect any part of the body.
  • Flat or Juvenile: They are very small and numerous, of 1 mm, flattened, skin-colored, or slightly darker, predominating on the face, although they can appear on the back of the hands and forearms. They are asymptomatic. 
  • Plantar: Affecting the soles of the feet and sometimes on the inner faces of the fingers, being extremely painful because they grow inward; they can be single or multiple and sometimes are arranged in mosaic with small traumatic hemorrhages on their surface, particularly clearing the normal skin folds. They must be differentiated from calluses.
  • Cumulative or Anogenital. They are located in the glans penis, labia majora and minora of the vagina, perianal, perineal, and mouth. They are vegetating neoformations.
  •  Filiform: They appear in the folds of the eyelids and neck. They are lesions with extensions on their surface. They must be differentiated from Acrochordon and scaly thickening of the skin (Seborrheic keratoses).


Topical Therapy applied by the Patient Salicylic acid.

  • Imiquimod Cream 5%.
  • Podophyllotoxin.
  • Fluorouracil.
  • Topical Tretinoin.


Topical Therapy applied by he Dermatologist

  • Cantharidin.
  • Podophyllin.
  • Trichloroacetic Acid.
  • Intralesional Interferon.

Ablative Treatments (treatment that promotes peeling of the skin)

  • Cryotherapy (freezing therapy): being one of the best treatments and having healing of 96%
  • Electrofulguration (controlled burning with an Electrofulgurator device): It is the most effective option, with faster results for the patient.

Other Alternatives are: Surgical excision, photodynamic therapy, CO2 laser, and therapeutic vaccines.

Side Effects

  • Transient scab formation.
  • Transient change in skin color.

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